Dear Luca, I hold a contradiction here. On one hand I completely agree with your post -truthfully I do. On the other hand, I find that the work done by many in keeping track of numbers, producing charts, etc, are extremely useful. For instance I rely on Max Roser and OurWorldInData. We need more data, not less. But we need to communicate uncertainty and even more so, risk -absolutely! Perhaps this is the point where we most agree: I also look at this event through the lens of Taleb, tail risks, decision making in conditions of uncertainty, Gigerenzer, etc. And in fact insofar as the stats are presented while accepting the great uncertainty, data is useful -and quite a lot. On that note I will send you an email as I find your investigations very fruitful. A presto

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Hi. Thanks for the comment. I do not know specifically about Max Roser, but what we need more of is solid data, and what we need less of is weak data.

Weak data – defined as data whose correctness we are not sure of – might be dangerous, for the costs of taking a wrong decision based on it might be large.

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